Sunday, March 21, 2010

Life in black and white

I bought a new bed set for myself. We have had our other one for a few years and I was getting tired of it so I saw this beauty on sale at Target and had to have it. Even though it clashes with the terrible green and cream wallpaper, we won't be in the mortuary forever.

And here is the bug-man himself. He put on these goggles and decided to call someone. It was most likely "Gwamp-pa" and I don't know what my Dad did to win Kade over so completely but he asks to call or go visit Grandpa almost every morning.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

baby genius on the loose

The other day Kade was trying to open a little bottle with the safety plastic wrapper still on it. I didn't particularly want him to have it open, so I said "no" when he gave it to me to open. Undaunted, he ran out of the room and returned a minute later with the can opener! What a smartie pants!!