Friday, October 14, 2011

Living the Dream

I'm a lucky lady. I have this handsome husband:

I have these two rascals to keep me busy:

I have help with the dishes:

It has been a little over a year since I quit as a nurse and became a full-time Mommy. Although every minute of every day isn't pure bliss, I love all the time I get to spend with my boys and to spend doing the home arts. I inherited my Mom's love of baking and cooking and I have also been working on scrapbooks and sewing projects...I'm living my dream.

What do you make for dinner when you don't have hamburger buns but your husband doesn't like hotdogs? I present to you the Hamburdog.

Pre-hair cut #1 for the Cache bear.

Post-hair cut. He's looking a little glum, but don't worry baby. You've got eyelashes to die for!