Friday, October 14, 2011

Living the Dream

I'm a lucky lady. I have this handsome husband:

I have these two rascals to keep me busy:

I have help with the dishes:

It has been a little over a year since I quit as a nurse and became a full-time Mommy. Although every minute of every day isn't pure bliss, I love all the time I get to spend with my boys and to spend doing the home arts. I inherited my Mom's love of baking and cooking and I have also been working on scrapbooks and sewing projects...I'm living my dream.

What do you make for dinner when you don't have hamburger buns but your husband doesn't like hotdogs? I present to you the Hamburdog.

Pre-hair cut #1 for the Cache bear.

Post-hair cut. He's looking a little glum, but don't worry baby. You've got eyelashes to die for!


Janetta said...

Yes, eyelashes TO DIE FOR!

I'm going to show M the pict of K doing the dishes and see if we can't get a little cousin inspiration going.

I remember when a cardboard box could entertain all day. K and C have got the right idea...darling post.

Byers said...

Can't believe how big Cache is getting, he is darling. What handsome boys!

LeAnn said...

How fun to see pictures of your cute fam Tiff! Love it when the kids play in a was that box really all full of purses? Good work! You are always stylish I shouldn't be surprised! Cache is turning into a little toddler! He's got some beautiful eyes as well to go along with those eyelashes! Miss ya!