Monday, October 15, 2007

The heartbeat of America

Hooray! We are expecting a baby on April 21 (the due date should have been on Luke's birthday on the 22 but it is leap year) and we are really excited! Today was my second appointment with the Dr. and Luke came with me and we heard the baby's heartbeat. The Dr. said it sounds healthy and it is nice and fast. We will have our ultrasound sometime towards the beginning of December :)


Janetta said...

So you heard the little heart beating? Wow, it's so real...this is getting exciting! Too bad about the exact due date, but it may just be born on it's Daddy's birthday anyway--Like Dad and Diane!

King Klan said...

Yeah! For the Baby we love Babies! and yours will be the cutest Langton yet. (mines are Kings)

Karyn said...

Yeah!! I'm so excited for you to have a baby! Keep us posted in December ;)