Friday, October 24, 2008

A New Bag of Tricks

Kade is now 6 months old! Hard to believe it! He has all kinds of new skills including #1: playing in his jolly jumper. The picture doesn't make it out to look like he enjoys it at all, but when he gets in a few good jumps in a row and goes air-born then we get some good smiles.

Skill #2: He is an accomplished sitter.

Skill #3: He has entered the ranks of professional boxing and can take down opponents 8 times his size! That is sweat on his shirt from working hard--not drool :)

Skill #4: He has outgrown his infant carrier carseat. He is now in a luxurious and larger carseat and likes being up higher and looking around while we are driving. This is his new Britax Marathon, a wonderful baby shower gift from Grandpa and Grandma.

Skill #5: He is a stink bug sleeper. What a cutie!


Ryan + Jess said...

Doesn't time fly? He is growing up so fast!

Good to see what is going on in your life!!

Cari Sorensen said...

How cute! I cannot believe how big he is getting! And oh so adorable too!!!

Dawney said...

Wow! What a talented kid you've got there Tiff! :) He's so cute! It's hard to believe that he's already 1/2 year old! Crazy!

Janetta said...

Oh my goodness I love the stink bug!