Thursday, May 20, 2010

Two times the tractors

My dad recently purchased a full-fledged tractor. He previously had a small one for landscaping and then also got a more powerful one for some real farm work. He has now traded in the smallest one for a full size tractor, complete with an air-conditioned cab and huge bucket loader on the front. We spent last Sunday and Monday down at the farm with them for a late Mother's Day celebration since we couldn't go down the previous weekend.

Kade loved driving the tractors, feeding grass to the horses across the street, going to the grove to see the stream and spending time with Grandpa and Grandma. We don't see them too often now that they are living down there full time.

I have started to feel baby #2 moving and we have our appointment for the ultrasound on June 8th. We'd both like a boy so that Kade has a brother close in age, but we'd also both like a girl just cause she'd be so cute :) Any guesses from anyone?


Cari Sorensen said...

Wow I can imagine how much Kade loves the tractor, cause Korbyn is at the same stage of loving everything with wheels! How cute!
And as for a guess... I think it will be a girl, and yes she would be dang cute! I can't wait to find out!

Janetta said...

I know why you would be pulling for a boy, but I keep thinking girl!

Andrew's guess is boy.

I showed Miles a book with a boy and a girl in it, and he pointed to the boy, so that's his official guess.

Dad's tractor has an air-conditioned cab?! He's going all out these days :o)

Smittys said...

I thought for sure I was having a girl again but I am having a boy. it feels weird even to say because I am a girl Mom but I guess I won't be able to say that for long.Good luck. Girls really are super duper fun.

Janelle said...

I'm guessing a girl...but a boy would be fun for Kade...but I guess they can be best friends even if they aren't the same gender. We're super excited for you guys either way!:)