Monday, January 7, 2008

24 years and 24 weeks

The baby and I shared our ages for one week. I turned 24 on January 4th and he was 24 weeks along for that week. (Good thing I'm not aging as fast as he is because now he is 25!) We had fun celebrating my birthday with the Langtons on the 3rd and the Robins on the 4th. We also had a great Christmas season with friends and family both in Provo and Whittier. Luke started back to school today and this is my last week of working full time--hooray! We're off to a good start for 2008.


Janetta said...

I love seeing the progressive tummy shots, thanks for keeping us posted up here! You look cute.

[Morgan] said...

Tiffany, you are the cutest pregnant gal! I wish I looked as half as good as you do with either one of my babies! I'm so happy for you and congratulations on you boy! You look great!

The Bains said...

Hey guys!

Your cousin Amber Bain here! I found you through Shawnelle's blog. I owe you several email responses too! I am so excited for you guys to have a bunchkin. Boys are the best. You look great. Check out our blog:

I'm new to this whole scene but I love it.

Take extra special care of yourself!



Rochelle said...

Tiffany--- I stumbles across your blog from Anne's and I'm so happy to see pictures of you! You are a darling pregnant lady. You look amazing! I hope you don't mind if I check in here every once in awhile. Take care!

--Rochelle (Christensen) Wilde

King J, Queen M, Princess E and Princess M said...

Tiffany, Chelle passed on the link to your blog, and I can hardly believe my eyes!! You are so pretty and all grown up!! How exciting that you are pregnant. Congratulations!! I am just sitting here thinking back to when I used to baby sit you. In fact a few months ago, I remembered reading you and Jeannetta stories when I would sit, and what a great thing that was. I began reading to my girls every night because of that memory. It is so fun to see you and your little family. I LOVE blogging and catching up with old friends. Like Chelle, I hope it is ok that I check in on your blog from time to time.

Melissa (Christensen) Cooley