Wednesday, March 30, 2011

CPA test and Date #1

Luke is amazing! He passed all four CPA tests on his first try (which if you are not familiar with the CPA tests, most people have to take at least one of the sections more than once to pass). So Mr. Smart Pants did an incredible job. To celebrate I planned 4 dates that correlate with the exam titles. We went on the first one today.

Exam: Tax

Date: Body Worlds Vital exhibit at the Tech Museum in downtown San Jose to see "tax"-idermy bodies.

It was amazing to see and reminded me of how intricate and wonderful our bodies are. I loved my anatomy lab at BYU and this was really neat to see this exhibit.

Here is Luke posing like the man on the banner outside the museum :)


LeAnn said...

How fun Tiff! Look how creative you are! Good job to Luke also! That is a huge stress I'm sure off all of your backs! Way to go!

Jane said...

Okay, I think you just showed up wives everywhere for your creativity with those date ideas. That is amazing!

Dessie said...

WAY TO GO LUKE!! And, awesome date idea. We miss you guys so much!