Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fun with cousins!

Luke's mom and Shawnelle and the kids came out to spend some time with us last week since Luke has been working long and late hours. We went to a kids zoo/park (which is so great!) and to a museum in San Jose while they were here as well as lots of playing at our house. I'm glad that Kaden and Cache have been able to see their cousins a lot lately!

Kade and a little pony.

All the cousins (except little Hunter who will arrive in July!)

We rented a book from the library about a zoo and there is a train there, so when Kade found our we were going to the zoo he was really excited to ride the train. Luckily there was this dragon train so we went on a ride. His face was so darling and excited when the train went through a tunnel. What more could a little boy ask for?

I was going to sit with Kaden and Grandma in this car but Kade kicked me out and just wanted to ride with Grandma.

Shawnelle, Ryder, Sharlee and Kaia

Cache and Mommy. He had his four month check-up and is a solid 17 pounds and 26.75 inches. Kade was almost 19 pounds and 26.5 inches at 4 months. We love our chubby baby boys!


Janetta said...

What an amazing zoo! And made even better with cute cousins to play with. And holding hands with Grandma? Too cute to even try to put into words.

Byers said...

Kade looks so dapper with his glasses! I can't believe Cache is already 4 months old. Hopefully we will get to meet the little guy soon:)

Spencer and Ashley said...

I can't believe it has been so long!! You are beautiful! So are your darling boys! Are you still in Provo??

LeAnn said...

What a fun day! I love days like that! I'm glad the zoo had a train for Kade!